Well I have a follower for my
blog now. Not a bad first day at all. Well, I was watching CNN today and
reading other internet news sites about the Trayvon Martin case. Well of course
there are varied opinions and when there is an opinion there will always be
For one moment let us assume all the things that were said about Trayvon(by the defense) were true and that he was a trouble maker and was exhibiting suspicious behavior on the day for Zimmerman to follow him and doubt him.
Maybe he was a trouble maker and was suspended from school.
Maybe he had women's jewelry in
his backpack probably stolen by him!
Maybe he had a screwdriver and
maybe he was looking to rob a house that day!
Maybe he smoked marijuana and
maybe he got angry that
evening ,was aggressive and attacked Zimmerman(From the pictures I see on
internet, I see a few bloody scratches on his head and a bloody nose however none of which put him in
life threatening situation)
Maybe he was just a troubled
teenager (And we have all had our share of problems when we were young)
If some stranger follows me - I will be scared, If a stranger questions me and harasses me and asks me suspicious questions, I will get angry and be scared. I will do whatever I can do protect myself.
A neighborhood watchman's job
is to keep a watch and that is all .His job was not to follow around to kill
people even if that person is the most dangerous criminal in the world. One will
just report to police and help them as much as I can.
Zimmerman all along knew that
he had a gun; he always had the upper end. He was in the most advantageous
position - Always. If Trayvon had a weapon and he was
dangerous he would have used it immediately.He would not need to hit or punch
What happened that night was
that a human being felt it very easy to take another human's life. Because he
was told by the law that he could. Because he jumped to conclusions about Trayvon
and presumed that this boy was dangerous. Well we are always advised to stay
away from presumptions and assumptions. That is the most dangerous thing.
Even an animal kills only when it is hungry and only when it is absolutely threatened for its life. Humans have been given the extraordinary gift of being aware, of having feelings, of having the capacity to be kind, forgive and love. Yet everyday day all of these human qualities fail as if these are alien to us.
Our society has become increasingly cynical. We do not trust anyone, we cannot open up to anyone, and we are suspicious of everyone. We want to control everything and we want easy solutions for everything. We always crave for power and think we can do anything. Zimmerman thought he had the right to kill –and that is what the sad part is.
While the whole incident and the verdict has awakened a whole lot of society, the final verdict for human is to "Stand our ground" for humanity ,for kindness and for forgiveness. Otherwise we will only have Trayvons and Zimmerman's in our society.
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